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Crystal stick-0

"The Crystal Stick works almost as good as the axe."

The Crystal Axe is the fourth strongest axe in the game.

It can be crafted when the player achieves Level 50.

Crafting recipe[]

Crystal Chunk 3 Crystals
Question-mark-png-5a381257a89243.6425987715136241516905-1 1 Gold Bar


The Crystal Axe is actually not very necessary for high-tier players as you would rarely need to collect wood. It is better to obtain wood from Rafts that are about. Raft: Low Hp - 2 Logs and then Tree 40hp - 2 Logs and 1 Leaf.


  • The Battle Axe does as much damage to wood as the Crystal Axe, so some players may use the Battle Axe instead.